SMART Payment Plan
If you think you know this product, look again. SMART Payment Plan was started in 2003 as an innovative, customer-centered bill payment service, focused on making things simple and easy.
They bring the best customer service, the simplest and most advanced processing systems, and the best people – people who are reliable, professional, smart, and dedicated to helping the dealerships they serve.
SMART payment plan is a way for your customer to pay for their car that matches their payment to their pay days. They can lower a payment by adding term (provided your lending source approves it), because they will pay the vehicle off in the original amount of time due to the accelerated payments. Your Business Manager can offer the customer the opportunity to enroll in a package but keep the payment nearly the same by adding term, again, provided the lender allows it, eliminating the “I can’t afford it” objection. The customer who doesn’t add term will pay off the vehicle even earlier than the original term plus have equity earlier than a traditional monthly payment.
For anyone looking for an additional way to make profit, without adding more products to your menu, SMART Payment Plan could be the answer. If you'd like to know more about this product, your Jeram Group representative will be happy to set up an appointment that works with you, and your dealer principle’s schedule.