Good Morning! I hope that you are all well!
I would like to pass along some information from the President of The JeramGroup. Ohio, PA, and West Virginia all have stay at home mandates. Mississippi dealers, I am not sure what your status is - the information that I am finding is limited. Although many of our dealers in Ohio, West Virginia, and possibly, Mississippi, continue to operate as an essential business, we will not be physically visiting your stores. If there is an unforeseen circumstance that requires our presence at your store, we will only go after we have contacted your dealer principal and he or she has cleared us to do so. We absolutely do not want to create any more discomfort for you or your co-workers.
So, while it is not something that we normally do, we will be contacting you or your office and asking that you mail in the month's business. We ask that you contact us for anything that you need such as contracts, claim information, etc. At this uncertain and humbling time, it is our goal to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
Stay safe, and stay in touch!