What do you have that no other store in your area does? What differentiates you from your competition? You essentially sell the same products (cars) right? While F&I can’t effect the cars that are sold they can effect the products that are sold out of their department. For example, is your theft deterrent system a big seller? For some yes, for others, no. What about your tire and wheel program? Since your demographics aren’t like everyone else’s why should your F&I products be? Packaging products together to create a Multi-Shield product has several advantages: it personalizes your products to your customers; it makes the time spent with your customers more efficient since you are explaining one product with many benefits. It also builds value for the product which makes it easier to sell and justify a profit. As an added bonus, it simplifies your menu, making it more understandable for the customer. Developing a multi-shield product is easy. By working with your Jeram Marketing representative you can decide on the mix of products that works best for you: A paint/dent product may be your choice; or maybe a tire and wheel/key/paint product works better for you. The point is that you can package your products in combinations they will make them more interesting and valuable to your customers. Once you make that decision, your representative will get the forms to you. Then all that is left is to re-word your menu to reflect the changes and you’re on your way to selling more products and value to your customers. Of course, remember to practice and get comfortable with your presentation before you try it out on them.
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