Every year around this time I can feel myself ready to make some changes. I switch out closets and amass small piles of clothes designated for a charity, the trash, or various friends; I start home projects, clean out my car (really, I do!), and plan updates to my gardens. Doesn’t it feel good to get organized and start fresh?
I can’t help but think that we should all be doing the same thing with our offices and with our presentations. If it’s been awhile since you’ve tackled this, it can be formidable—and since I’m in the groove I’ll be glad to offer my help! Take a good look around your office. Even if it is a very professional looking work space, look to see if it needs a thorough cleaning. We get so used to existing in it that often we don’t even see the clutter, dirt, and dinginess. The computer screen with a layer of dust on it, or the cabinets with finger prints on them, or the chairs that have a year’s worth of spills on them—these are things we become blind to but that a customer sees immediately.
Once you have tackled that, take a look at your systems and processes. Ask yourself if they are working for you or against you. Is there a more effective and efficient way of getting the customer delivered? Are you updated on contracts, forms, MV training, compliance, product, and sales training?
Finally, look in the mirror and objectively ask yourself if you would trust you with your auto financing. Do you look like a successful business manager? If not, make the appropriate changes; if so, let’s talk about your presentation...