Whether or not you take advantage of this opportunity to become AFIP certified, Jeram Marketing will help you and your dealership stay updated and knowledgeable through the maze of laws and regulations that govern you while helping you maintain and improve your sales. When I completed my Senior AFIP certification, I was required to complete an Ethics Workbook. (If you are taking the Basic certification class this will not be a requirement). It challenged me to develop short, mid, and long range practices as they relate to ethics and how I “ply your [my] trade.” No one sees this although it gets turned in at test time, but I want to share one part with you: I pledged to make ethics an ongoing part of my F&I training classes and seminars. Jeram Marketing has supported this effort by sending me to the yearly F&I Summit and other mind-sharing events that allow me to stay on top of this part of the F&I position. As a group, Jeram Marketing also offers its clients the benefit of a compliance review which we use as a training tool. I will periodically review a random selection of deals and using a set of criterion, look for areas where improvement is needed with regard to F&I compliance. Although we strongly encourage your dealer to check with their attorney any time there is a conflict of opinion, we have been able to catch some issues before they became habits that we feel could hurt the F&I Manager and/or the dealership. You and your dealer are provided with a list of deals that were reviewed as well as a full report that can be used in training. We will also hold compliance sales meetings with your salespeople to help you enforce the policies and processes that keep you compliant. Simply let your Jeram Marketing representative know if you would like to use any of these services and we will get you scheduled. Compliance is a standard part of the newsletter and the Jeram Marketing website to keep you updated on any changes or opinions that could impact the way you do your job. We believe that you can be a successful AND compliant F&I Manager.
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