When The Jeram Group's Director of Training, Nancie Pajan, came to me asking if I minded if she spent 2 days in Cincinnati Ohio for an Association of Finance and Insurance Professionals (A.F.I.P.) Boot Camp, I, of course, said yes. Anything that keeps Jeram Marketing on top of the ever-changing and always confusing laws and regulations that govern our business is important to me. She already had her Basic and Senior certifications, so it made sense to go for the next level, Master. What I didn't realize was that not only would this test include the old, as well as the new regulations, it would require that her knowledge be tested at a more in-depth level. This was not just a lesson in memorization, this would be a test of legal nuances and real-world scenarios. So, in the middle of the first Steeler game of the season, ironically against the Cincinnati Bengals, Nancie drove to the boot camp, studied, crammed, took notes, crammed some more, fretted and worried about whether she was going to do as well on this test as on the others, or even pass on the first try. The morning of the test, in a class of about 18 F&I professionals, she was handed the test booklet for the Master certification. Did she pass? She did-and scored 100%! We at Jeram Marketing congratulate her on her efforts and dedication to staying on top of the F&I compliance maze.
Jerry O'Neill