Everyone has their own opinion on the answer to this question. Here are some traits that I see in successful Business Managers:
Come in before everyone else, and stay later—This is when they get the non-revenue producing “stuff” out of the way.
Ask one more time—They find a way to give the customer one more opportunity, beyond their final effort, to take advantage of their programs.
Train—They read, join webinars, ask questions, go to classes. And they pass on their training to other dealership personnel.
Be Interested—They love the business in general; get excited over new models and lines, have a healthy respect for and a genuine interest in the people with whom they work.
Work the Process—and change it if it stops working. They can always quantify results.
Ask—They question the sales person, the sales manager, and the customer, until they are sure they know how and what they will present to the customer.
What is YOUR Key to Success?