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Representing services that match your needs and goals.

F&I Training & Development

Visit the F&I Training section on our web site for a complete overview of The Jeram Group's robust training services.

Custom Reporting

Your representative will provide you with an in-depth analysis of your F&I department's profitability. They will work with you on goal setting, designing pay plans that reward product sales, and uncovering training needs. You'll see trends that have developed, products that aren't being sold, and products that are being "given away".

Current State Analysis Of Your Service Department

Certified Maintenance by Performance Administration Corporation will work with your service customers and service records to determine how much of your service business is going to the competition and what you can do to get it back and keep it.

Service Contracts Pro-Formas

Professionally calculated to present a clear picture of the type of profitability available with dealer-owned and re-insurance programs.

Compliance Review

We will periodically review a number of deal jackets to make sure they comply with Federal and State regulations.  Each deal will be “graded” and a report will be sent to the designated dealer employee, followed by a meeting that addresses the strengths and weaknesses of the report.  Typically, a plan to correct any areas that are out of compliance is developed with the help of your Jeram Group representative. On-going monitoring and reporting ensures that the employees maintain compliance. 

AFIP Certifications

The Association of Finance and Insurance Professionals is the oldest, most established, and most respected compliance certification program in our industry.  The Jeram Group can offer AFIP compliance training classes to our clients.  These classes come with the same materials and access to practice tests and webcast training, as those traveling miles to get to a class.  The 2-day  classroom “boot camp” style sessions are followed by a 200 question test.  Students are required to score 80% or better in each of the three sections of the test.  Those who do, are sent certificates directly from AFIP.

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