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Providing F&I training and development is part of The Jeram Group’s growth strategy, and a key differentiator that separates us from many F&I companies.

The training department at The Jeram Group taken in-house as of May of 2007 provides services to our clients that include dealership observations, on- and off-site group training seminars, individualized training sessions, hiring assistance and communications in the form of weekly conference calls, group emails and quarterly newsletters.

Our full list of services includes:

Dealership Observations

Often it is difficult to really see your business when you spend so much of your time IN your business.

For that reason, we will spend time in a dealership:

  • Observing key members of the sales and sales management teams, as well as the F&I Manager

  • Unobtrusively observing the relationship and interaction between the F&I department and the sales people and sales management in the store

  • Shadowing the F&I Manager through their day(s) as they interact with customers

  • Reviewing logs and reports looking for trends and missed profit potential

After the observation a report will be generated that includes recommendations, support, and training for successful implementation. Continued monitoring and follow-up of the F&I department is ongoing.

F&I Training Classes & Seminars

We currently offer:

  • Single-item-focus group training

  • 2-day basic F&I training classes

  • Half day and full day intermediate and advanced training seminars

  • Compliance training

  • Monthly log analysis

  • Weekly conference calls to maintain focus and profit

  • Goal Setting

  • “Lunch and Learns” — brief meetings focused on a single topic or trouble-shooting

Training classes include:

  • The structure of the F&I office and the dealership

  • The structure of the automobile transaction

  • Payment and rate quotes

  • Compliance and laws as they impact the F&I office

  • F&I product information

  • The turnover and the customer interview

  • The menu presentation

  • Overcoming customer objections

  • Working with the internet customer

  • Role-playing and critique

Dealer Specific F&I Logs and Reports

Our logs use a standard Microsoft site that is available to only those in the dealership that are designated by the dealer, and the Jeram training team.  This means F&I performance is reported and summarized as deals are logged.  It allows us to catch trends early, train to your F&I manager’s challenges, measure where they are to the goals that have been set, and hold meetings that address performance in a relevant and timely manner.

On-Site Development

As part of the observation process or as a stand-alone, we will spend one-on-one time at the dealership working with the F&I Manager on any aspect of the job, from paperwork to profit.

We work with the dealership management team to provide recommendations that work within the processes and systems to improve and increase F&I department income.

Hiring Assistance

We will assist the dealership in finding the right person for the F&I department, either at the manager or director level. From narrowing down the search to recommending pay plans, to providing a second opinion, we provide the level of support the dealership needs.

F&I Communication

Aside from the weekly conference calls mentioned above, we provide F&I Managers with the Jeram Marketing Blog that highlights products, training techniques, compliance updates, and anything else of interest to the F&I department.

Any time a change in legislation or a new law impacts the F&I office, we research it and bring it to our dealers as quickly as possible to keep them constantly updated.

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